What irks me about the illegal immigration debate is the historical hypocrisy of it all. Whether these tea partying, flag waving patriots want to recognize it or not THEY are not by any means legal immigrants and neither were their ancestors. None of us are in a sense "legal."
I mean Africans were stolen from their homeland and brought to America then had to fight and die (and in most cases still fight and die) for equal civil and legal liberties.
We all learned in second grade -- and through various viewings of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving -- the American land and wealth was stolen from the Native American people. If anyone should complain or pass ridiculous ordinances and laws regarding illegal immigration it should be them! We should have to speak nothing but their languages and adhere to their customs.
The crazy thing about American culture is that we can justify anything. I mean Manifest Destiny is here for anyone who wants a self-righteous excuse to steal from others.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to do one better than Manifest Destiny! I'm going to pull a 'Christopher Columbus' and 'discover 'someone's 52" flat screen television set and on top of that give them a blanket with germs from a cold I have hoping they die since their immune system might not be used to my more advanced germs. Now that is living the American Dream!
I guess what bugs me about this issue is the fact the entitled American electorate try so hard to keep to themselves what they take for granted anyway.
Give people the opportunity to become 'legal' or at the very least make it easier and more affordable for them so as not to drive someone to so desperate and act as to break a law that shouldn't be here in the first place.
I mean Africans were stolen from their homeland and brought to America then had to fight and die (and in most cases still fight and die) for equal civil and legal liberties.
We all learned in second grade -- and through various viewings of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving -- the American land and wealth was stolen from the Native American people. If anyone should complain or pass ridiculous ordinances and laws regarding illegal immigration it should be them! We should have to speak nothing but their languages and adhere to their customs.
The crazy thing about American culture is that we can justify anything. I mean Manifest Destiny is here for anyone who wants a self-righteous excuse to steal from others.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to do one better than Manifest Destiny! I'm going to pull a 'Christopher Columbus' and 'discover 'someone's 52" flat screen television set and on top of that give them a blanket with germs from a cold I have hoping they die since their immune system might not be used to my more advanced germs. Now that is living the American Dream!
I guess what bugs me about this issue is the fact the entitled American electorate try so hard to keep to themselves what they take for granted anyway.
Give people the opportunity to become 'legal' or at the very least make it easier and more affordable for them so as not to drive someone to so desperate and act as to break a law that shouldn't be here in the first place.