Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weight For Me

I guess I should tell people I am all about healthy living and that cardio is the best thing for a fitness regimen. Nah, I'm not gonna say any of that because I don't believe it and truth is one the main tenets of me even having a blog.

I guess I am writing this because someone mentioned that I was eating breadsticks again for like the third day in a row. She asked me if this was "carb week."

I looked at her and said, "No. I eat what I want when I want."

I have no shame or guilt about what I eat. I don't run (unless it's to catch my bus). I think people who pass judgement on others because of weight can take their opinions and eat those because judgment I'm sure is high in fiber.

I don't think this person meant anything by what she said at all. I just don't like this whole obssession with weight and looks especially when you are already attractive (like me).

I'm all booty and breasts and curves and there are a ton of black women who are just like me. We are an army whose legs are not made for skinny jeans or skinny anything.

They made Lane Bryant for a reason so I will go and shell out a few extra dollars for the jeans that make my behind look oh so nice!

I think (within reason) do what you want, eat what you want, be who you want. You'll be a lot happier like me. And I will be even more happy tomorrow afternoon when I go get some cupcakes!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner ...

It’s funny to think, I mean really think about some of the things we allow Hollywood to feed us on a big ole celluloid platter and how we devour it; we eat it right up!

I am most certainly including myself in the above statement.

I can sit and watch the Twilight Saga without so much as blinking for a couple of hours. Yeah, I feel bad about myself afterward, much like the person on a diet who sneaks a piece of chocolate cake in the middle of the night. However, that still won’t stop me from looking at an emo teen with necrophiliac tendencies and a werewolf sidekick friend who, let’s face it, is like Duckie from Pretty in Pink.

I said all of that to say I think I am getting to a point where I am starting to hate myself just a little bit for my lack of discernment or suspension of belief in the ability to write a good story but not have to sexify it up (Ummm, “sexify” is a word. Look it up. Well don’t look it up, just trust me on this one).

We fall for the same story written over and over again.

Common Theme: boy from the wrong side of the tracks falls in love with the pretty girl and there may be some dancing (or an iceberg) involved.

Movies: Westside Story, Dirty Dancing, Say Anything, Footloose, Step Up, The Notebook, Titanic

We fall for the same kind of music.

Songs/Soundtracks: Pop music mixed with big vocals

Soundtracks or Songs: Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing (Armageddon), Lady Marmalade (Moulin Rouge), My Heart Will Go On (Titanic), It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp (Hustle and Flow -- Oh wait, wrong list, but that song did win an Oscar)

You see where I’m going with this, don’t you?

I guess what even prompted me to write this was the trailer for an upcoming movie “The Source Code.” In the trailer, Jake Gyllenhaal asks this woman if she had eight minutes to live what would she do and she answers (with a smile on her face mind you) that “I’d make every second count.”
Yeah so let’s back this up for a minute because I will let you know EXACTLY what would happen if I was in the same situation.

I'm going end this hilarity with a promise, maybe not a promise, but a concerted effort to not look at any and everything Hollywood puts in front of me and I shall do so right after I finish looking at the last Twilight movie coming out in November oh and the next year.

After that, I'm all about legitimate storytelling and stuff.