Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weight For Me

I guess I should tell people I am all about healthy living and that cardio is the best thing for a fitness regimen. Nah, I'm not gonna say any of that because I don't believe it and truth is one the main tenets of me even having a blog.

I guess I am writing this because someone mentioned that I was eating breadsticks again for like the third day in a row. She asked me if this was "carb week."

I looked at her and said, "No. I eat what I want when I want."

I have no shame or guilt about what I eat. I don't run (unless it's to catch my bus). I think people who pass judgement on others because of weight can take their opinions and eat those because judgment I'm sure is high in fiber.

I don't think this person meant anything by what she said at all. I just don't like this whole obssession with weight and looks especially when you are already attractive (like me).

I'm all booty and breasts and curves and there are a ton of black women who are just like me. We are an army whose legs are not made for skinny jeans or skinny anything.

They made Lane Bryant for a reason so I will go and shell out a few extra dollars for the jeans that make my behind look oh so nice!

I think (within reason) do what you want, eat what you want, be who you want. You'll be a lot happier like me. And I will be even more happy tomorrow afternoon when I go get some cupcakes!


  1. Idea: Breadstick-flavored cupcakes. This will revolutionize the foodie world. I'll cut you in on 5% of the profits, since your blog gave me the idea.

  2. Make that 15% and you got a deal!

  3. HELL YEAH, BABY!!! I agree wholeheartedly with every single WORD of this blog post and I'm glad you had the courage to post it. SING IT!!!!

  4. Mmm Breadsticks, mmmmmmmm cupcakes.

  5. thanks Eve I appreciate the way you responded to the post and Julie breadsticks and cupcakes will be on the menu whenever i get a chance to head back out to LA

  6. Sing it! No calorie counting or fretting about what "rules" I've broken today by having a muffin for breakfast AND fries at lunch. Pretty sure the sky isn't going to fall because my ass just got a little rounder.

  7. hear hear Lisa ...I most certainly agree!


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